nánari upplýsingar
minni upplýsingar
The Sheepherders Cottages are a perfect choice for families, couples and groups that want a bit of comfort and privacy. Each cottage houses up to 5 persons with four bunk beds, one of which has a double lower bed for couples.
The cottages are rented as a sleeping bag accommodation but linen and made up beds can be ordered for extra comfort for an extra fee.
The cottages are fitted with a small kitchenette, tableware, a kitchen table and chairs for 5. Each house has electric lighting, heating and cold running water.
Toilets are located a short distance away in our main service building. Sauna, showers and a natural warm pool are accessible in the LavaSPA a short distance from the cottages.
What's included? - 4 bunk beds sleeping bag accommodation (one of which is a double bunk bed)
- A small kitchenette with tableware for 5
- Access to shared bathrooms & shower rooms
- WiFi in the main building
- Access to sauna, showers and a sitting pool
- ATT: Linen is available to rent for an extra fee!
Sundlaug og pottar
Matur og drykkur
Morgunverður mögulegur
Kvöldverður Mögulegur
Hádegisverður Mögulegur
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Innskráning | Útskráning | Útskráning | Útskráning | Útskráning | Útskráning | Útskráning |
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The room is not available at the moment. Please send us an email to
info@volcanotrails.is to add you to our waiting list