Secure Online Booking

Three Bedroom Apartment

This apartment includes a private entrance, flat-screen TV and fully-equipped kitchen with a dishwasher. The private bathroom comes with a shower.

Standard Rate
Check In

Check In

Non Refundable
Check In


 Clothes hangers


 Parking Possible


 Ironing Board


 Fire Extinguisher





Cancellation policy

Standard Rate:
Cancellations can be made without cancellation fees up until 24 hrs prior to arrival, based on 15:00 check in time.
If cancellations are received within the 24 hrs, a cancellation fee of 100% will be charged. 

Non-Refundable rate:
If you cancel for any reason, attempt to modify your reservation, or do not arrive on your specified check-in date, your payment is NON-refundable. The payment is NON-refundable even in case of early departure. 

Payment needs to be done immediately after booking.

Cancellation must be made by e-mail to and is only valid when confirmed by the Hotel via a Reservation Cancellation e-mail.